Sunday, March 23, 2008

All you need is...

A good hike from time to time : a friend who’s willing to join, nice weather and a beautiful bit of nature. Tadaaaa : all three were present today !
We went to the « Gorges de Franchard », definitely one of the most amazing spots in the forest I have seen up until now. Huge rocks, sandy clearings, a lot of pine trees,…It felt so good to use my brain for nothing else than to decide where to put which foot first, and to figure out where the hell we were on the map :-)
Up and down steep slopes we went, under and over rocks, following little blue signs. For two hours. The fact that some nice Easter pastry was waiting at home made it all the more motivating !
Anyhow, it cleared out my head and made me feel better – I hope it did the same for my friend. If a 2-hour hike can have this effect, than my prospects for the near future can only be bright : next weekend we’re going on a 2-day hiking trip in the French Vosges mountains ! Can’t wait…

"The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness." - John Muir

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